About Us

Our Mission

  • The mission of the Northwest Edvard Grieg Society is to promote the music of Edvard Grieg through performance, educational outreach and research in the Northwest of the United States.
  • This includes creating and supporting individual performances, scholars, performers, educators, or larger projects that incorporate multiple aspects of our mission.
  • Furthering our mission includes collaborating with organizations with mutual interests, including Nordic and/or music focused organizations, to support and encourage events and outreach that provides mutual benefit to them and the NWEGS.

Board of Directors

  • Laura Loge, president
  • Lori Ann Reinhall, vice president
  • Heather Niemi, treasurer
  • Jenny Hu, secretary
  • Ethan Bjelland, marketing lead
  • Rob Weltzien, Washington member-at-large
  • Joan Paddock, Oregon member-at-large
  • Gary Martin, Member-at-large

Board Members Emeritus

  • James Bernhard
  • Steven Luksan


Does this sound like something you’d like to be involved in or do you have an idea for a Grieg related project? Let us know and Join us or Contact us!